
Week 1

Serenity Prayer

This prayer was written in the early 1930's, and has been made popular by 12 step programs. It is an apropriate prayer for the season of Lent, as we intentionally sort out what we are able to control. Furthermore, this prayer helps us surrender to God what is not ours to sort.

Ash Wednesday Reflection

I found this reflection so thoughful that I wanted to include it in our Lenten journey. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. It reminds me of how wonderful life is, and how amazing God is. God can, after all, use manuer to fertilizer and make beautiful growth. That is a good word for us to ponder this week.

In this weeks scripture, Jesus is uncovering something very powerful that God is doing! Read the scripture every day this week. What questions do you have about the story? What feelings are evoked in your reading? What makes you feel that way? What is God revealing to you? What do you think Jesus is unveiling?

This song has always been a powerful expression and prayer for me. This particular recording is so beautiful. I hope it is also a blessing to you as we enter a season of intentionally drawing near to Jesus.

Short Prayer

Walk with me, Jesus, walk with me.

The way isn't always easy, you see.

But your love, it reaches up to the sky,

and carries me, so that I can try,

The way isn't always easy, you see.

Walk with me, Jesus, walk with me. Amen.

(from Common Prayer for Children and Families)