Week 2
In the Bible, aninting has been used for healing or for blessing a person upon a journey of leadership or faith. Today, anointing is practiced in our church for special blessing, healing during serious illness, times of grief, brokenness in relationships, and forgiveness of sins. Click here to learn more about anointing from the Church of the Brethren. Click here to talk to the pastor about anointing.
During this season of Lent, how do we make room for God to be active and present in our lives? The biggest challenge is not filling seamlessly empty space with more 'stuff.' Consider the scripture this week (Mark 14:1-11) and learn a new prayer practice. This prayer practice will help guide you on self reflection and conversation with God as we sift through our need for God to be more vibrant in us. Here is a link to more information about Detachment.
This week, we will read scripture in an imaginative way. This type of reading scripture is a powerful way to be emmersed in God's word, because we can place ourself in the setting. Read the scripture several times slowly, pausing regularly in order to wonder what it would be like to be present. What does the scene look like? What do you smell? Are certain voices loud or exclimated? What expression to you see on peoples faces? How are you evoked to feel during different parts of the story? More about Imaginative Prayer can be found at this link. It is adapted from Ignatian Spirituality.
Like the unnamed woman who fills the room with exquisite perfume as she anoints the feet of Jesus, in the song clip below, Lillie McCloud, brings a voice that also fills the room with passionate praise of Jesus.
Singing “Alabaster Box,” McCloud, an American dance and Rhythm & Blues singer, pours her love on Jesus like oil from a broken alabaster jar.
Short Prayer
I will follow you, Jesus, by following love,
and earth will grow closer to heaven above.
When we serve others and do good deeds,
When we show people kindness and care for their needs,
earth will grow closer to heaven above
When we follow you, Jesus, when we follow love. Amen.