Lent Week 6

Pray with this text using an ancient prayer practice called, "Lectio Divina". This allows us to listen to the words with a keen ear, and discover our arrtaction or curiosity to particular words or phrases. Why might we be drawn to this word or phrase? What might God be leading us towards?

The Last Supper was an inclusively engaging experience. The disciples did not read the events. They also did not solely listen to it. They felt Jesus wash their feet. They tasted the food. They heard the bread break and the cup poured. God created us with bodies for a reason, and yet we very rarely use them in prayer or praise. Explore how you can pray with more than your brain and your mouth. Click here to learn about the Taste and Smell Prayer Activity


Jesus washes feet. It's true. Not just for the righteous, but also for the one who will betray him. Here is a link with information about footwashing in the Church of the Brethren. Here is an article about more recent inclusion in footwashing. This link is a more recent story that was published just before the pandemic was widespread in our country.

Serve one another

This year I served the Reach shelter in Hagerstown for the first time. It was an eye opening experience to how many hands provide care for those in need. It also reminded me of the patience and commitment that is involved in doing this type of outreach. As I reflect on Jesus' message to the disciples (check out John 13-17), I know that God wants that type of care to come out of his followers. May we find peace with this kind of sacrifice. May others be blessed by Gods love.

Simple Prayer (for all ages)

The light of Christ glows in me and in others,

and in the family of God all are sisters and brothers.

It’s a light you must see with your heart to believe.

It’s a light you can share, you can give and receive.

In the family of God we are sisters and brothers,

and the light of Christ shines in me and in others. Amen.