About Us
Beaver Creek
The Mission of Beaver Creek Church of the Brethren is to come together in worship and to nurture all people in our congregation. Inspired by the teaching of Jesus, we will use our resources to serve the needs of our brothers and sisters everywhere.
We are a vibrant group of disciples of all ages that yearn to draw closer to God. We value community fellowship, and service outreach.
Our congregation holds the body as the highest authority in the church, however business is guided by called leaders that make up the Church Board. The Board is divided into five commissions, who carry out the work of the church. Additionally, the church is ministered to by a group of set apart deacons.
Music & Worship
Music and Worship Commission prepares opportunities for worship and creates an atmosphere for meaningful worship so that we glorify God through our worship, care for each other, and create an atmosphere of beauty.
Witness Commission is responsible for testifying God's love so that people will know God's love through our affirmation and actions.
Nurture Commission provides Christian education and fellowship opportunities so that our church family will come to know and love God more and build lasting relationships among our congregation.
Finance Commission oversees good stewardship in the congregation so that the congregation is invited to serve God through their resources and support through all stages of life.
Trustees Commission oversees good stewardship in the congregation so that the congregation is invited to serve God through their resources and support through all stages of life.
To become a member, individuals will be invited to make a public profession of faith, and either a letter of membership transfer from another church, or a full-emersion baptisim. A membership/discipleship class is offered periodically and upon request to review church history, polity, and implications of membership in the Church of the Brethren and in our congregation.
The Beaver Creek Congregation began as a branch of the Antietam/Price Congregation which was organized around 1752, and located near Waynesboro, PA. The practice was for families to meet in homes and meetinghouses to worship. There were many congregations formed from this mother church including in the Beaver Creek area.
The Beaver Creek Congregation is believed to have begun in 1768, when the log meetinghouse is alleged to have been built by Jacob and Eva Durnbaugh. Unfortunately, there is no known documentation to verify this. However, it was not unusual for a landowner to allow a church house or meeting house to be built on his property so that may account for not being able to find a deed into the Durnbaughs. Some believe the log structure may have been built elsewhere, dismantled and reassembled at the current location and is now a part of our church. (pictured is an artist's interpretation of what the log cabin likely looked like)
With meeting houses and church homes being located in both Pennsylvania and Maryland in 1813, it was decided to separate the Pennsylvania and Maryland congregations. The churches in Pennsylvania remained under the Antietam/Price congregation, and the Beaver Creek church along with the other Maryland churches, came under the charge of the Manor Church.
In 1816 the church was incorporated as the Dunkers under Incorporation Records recorded in Chapter 182, 1816. Unfortunately, there is no known copy of this Incorporation record.
In 1846, 2 ¼ acre and 8 perches, totaling 2 1/3 acres of land, were purchased from Joel and Elizabeth Newcomer, his wife, for $75.00, and so the stone church was built adjoining the log dwelling at Beaver Creek. The stone church had a large fireplace for food preparations
With the numerous meeting places in the Beaver Creek area growing so rapidly, in 1858 it was decided to separate the churches. Those in the Beaver Creek area came under the charge of the Beaver Creek Congregation, and those in the Manor church area came under the charge of the Manor Congregation.
By Articles of Incorporation recorded in 1885, the church’s name and title became The German Baptist Church of Beaver Creek, Funkstown and Long Meadows.
In 1891, George and Susan Newcomer, his wife, conveyed 120 perches (0.75 acre) of land for the amount of $165.75, to the German Baptist Brethren of Beaver Creek, Funkstown and Long Meadows. This tract of land adjoined the rear of the church parcel. For $5.00 the trustees conveyed 120 perches of land, which included the cemetery and part of the newly purchased land, to the Beaver Creek Cemetery Company. The log dwelling attached to the church was rented to John Grey for $25.00
In 1912, a Certificate of Agreement of Incorporation was recorded changing the name from the German Baptist Church of Beaver Creek, Funkstown and Long Meadows to The Church of the Brethren of Beaver Creek Congregations of the Middle District Maryland. The Beaver Creek Congregation also had places of worship at Beaver Creek, Long Meadows, Chewsville, Mount Zion and Mount Lena of Washington County.
At the 1925 Council Meeting it was decided a plan was needed for repairs of the Beaver Creek church. Perhaps that is when the upper level was raised and dormers added.
Between 1905 and 1927 the churches under the Beaver Creek charge began closing except for Long Meadows and Chewsville. In 1927 Long Meadows acquired the Chewsville church. Beaver Creek and Long Meadows then became independent congregations.
In 1938 the stone church was completely renovated. The entire interior of the church was altered including the installation of new pews, pulpit, Sunday School rooms, a new heating system and other upgrades.
For the amount of $2,825, The German Baptist Church of Beaver Creek, Funkstown and Long Meadows purchased 2 acres, and 124 perches (totaling 2.775 acres) in the Village of Maplesville. The property at 8236 Mapleville Road was to serve as a parsonage. It was purchased in 1937, and sold in 1940 for $3,500. More research is needed to locate the property. It is not known why the church took the title as The German Baptist Church of Beaver Creek, Funkstown and Long Meadows since they had changed their name in 1912 to The Church of Brethren of the Beaver Creek Congregations and they no longer were united.
After improvements had been made to the church property in 1949, a Re-Dedicatory Worship and Home Coming Service was held.
In 1968 the Fellowship Hall and kitchen was added to the main floor. In addition, Sunday School classrooms and two bathrooms were added to the lower level.
A house was purchased in 1959 at 20229 Beaver Creek Road that served as a parsonage. It was sold in 1973.
Also, in 1973 major renovations were made to the sanctuary. The pews and altar were reversed in direction. New carpet and lights were added as well as other numerous upgrades.
Ralph N. Stotler, Jr. and Mary Jane, his wife, donated an acre of land for a new parsonage in 1977, which is located at 10547 White Hall Road.
At some point in time, the log church house had been renovated. Partitions had been added both downstairs and upstairs as the original building appeared to have been one open space. The upstairs may have been a loft and served as the sleeping quarters. It has not been determined as to where a fireplace or chimney may have been located. The apartment tenant(s) were responsible for the custodial duties of the church. In 1998 the plaster was removed down to the logs, the walls insulated and covered with drywall.
The apartment and bathrooms had extensive renovations done in 2018-2019. In 2021 the former living room was converted to the pastor's study and the kitchen area was converted into office space. A Sunday School classroom was added upstairs.
The parsonage located at 10547 White Hall Road was also completely renovated with all new upgrades and improvements in 2019-2022.
Currently the former pastor’s office is being converted into a Heritage Room. Pictures, records, books and memorabilia will be on display when completed.
Another way of living
In the New Testament, the word “brethren” describes a community of men and women who chose another way of living: the way of Jesus. The Church of the Brethren, begun three centuries ago in Germany, still draws people who want to continue Jesus’ work of faithfulness and loving service.
Continuing the work of Jesus
Though the Brethren as a group have existed for three hundred years, we subscribe to no formal “creed” or set of rules. We simply try to do what Jesus did.
Jesus brought a message of life, love, and hope. But he offered much more than inspiring words: He understood that people’s spiritual needs also include day-to-day human ones — food, health, rest, comfort, friendship, and unconditional acceptance. “I am the way,” he told his followers. He showed them how to trust, how to care, and how to help.
Steadily, lovingly, even radically, Jesus went about saving the world — by serving its people. Because we believe his message, we seek to do the same.
Whether the conflict involves warring nations, racial discord, theological disputes, personal disagreement, or mere misunderstanding, Brethren listen conscientiously, seek guidance in the scriptures, and work toward reconciliation. We practice peaceful living.
Our longstanding commitment to peace and justice includes a deep regard for human life and dignity. Brethren reach worldwide to help repair the ravages of poverty, ignorance, exploitation, and catastrophic events. Along with our faith, we bring food, books, classes, tools, and medicine.
Living peacefully, to the Brethren, means treating each person with the attentive, compassionate respect that all human beings deserve.
Years ago, all Brethren were immediately recognizable because of their plain dress and reserved ways. Today’s Brethren live very much in the world, work in a broad range of occupations, and make use of the latest technology.
Continually, though, we try to simplify our lives. Practicing a modest nonconformity, we think carefully about our daily choices. The ideal of simplicity guides our decisions: How will we conduct our business, raise our children, spend our leisure time, tend our natural resources? How will we use our money, and why? How can we live comfortably, but without excess or ostentation?
For the Brethren, such considerations are not a requirement, but a privilege. As we seek to live intentionally, responsibly, and simply, we find a deep sense of purpose. And we find joy.
Whether worshiping, serving, learning, or celebrating, Brethren act in community. Together, we study the Bible to discern God’s will; we make decisions as a group, and each person’s voice matters.
During our traditional love feast, we gather at the table of the Lord, and each summer at Annual Conference we convene as a denominational family. Because Jesus urged unity, Brethren work alongside other denominations, at home and abroad, in worldwide mission and outreach.
Our congregations welcome all who wish to share with us in another way of living: the way of Christian discipleship, life in community, fulfillment in service.
We live out our faith in community. That community begins in the congregation, but extends also to the district, and to the church as a whole. In other words, the life and work of the Church of the Brethren begins within hundreds of congregations but reaches around the world.